My Post's Live Signature

Do you want to have a signature shown in every post? Just go to my live signature and then you have to or not to create an account, unless you want to save every signature you created.

It's very easy! You have to choose three methods: (1) Use signature creation wizard; (2) Hand draw your personal signature (3) Using a scanned image/scanned signature.

I suggest you use the "Use signature creation wizard". It will guide you, step by step. In every step, there are 1 to 10 choices. After creating your live signature, save it. Then click, "Use Sigs" tab in the website header then generate the Html code. Here's a link on how to insert your signature in the blogpost. No need to worry because in every guide, you will also see a picture. So, you don't have to open wide and roll your eyes on your screen as to where on earth is this and that. 

Now, after I follow it, I found out the signature stays on top! What I did is I type my post in the Edit HTML tab (but not finishing it), not the Compose because you will have a hard time moving that signature photo of yours. While in Edit HTML, you only have to press ENTER key  to send the signature HTML codes below, from this post. After doing so, you can go back to your COMPOSE tab, if you find it more comfortable. At least, you send that signature photo under, below or whatever you call it! :)

Oh! You can use this signature in  forums (bb code generate) and in sending emails (html code generate). Isn't that wonderful? :D

New Blog Name: A Walk Through My Notebook

I had changed my layout and now I am changing the title of my blog. I am not satisfied with the word as "DIARY". It could be a diary but I want something more to it.

I was searching for quotes on the internet to post in my header when I stumble with Denise Levertov (a British-American Poet) quotes from "A Walk Through A Notebook. I was thinking this is it! I wanted something that describes the ME personally.

As I search further, I found out that there's a blog URL that reads like this - I tried to check it out and found it does not exist, anymore. A gadget website had even posted a thumbnail of the blog but when I click it, it sends me to a seller of laptops and notebooks.

I am checking this because there might be someone else who uses the same blog title or even the url. And thank God, I found none of them. So, I am free to use it now. Well, my blog is not about poetry and can't even write one. If someone asked me why? My answer is like Denise wrote poetry in notebooks about the challenges of life. While I am writing it in a notebook about the challenges of my life. I blog what comes into my mind.

Her poem, "A Walk Through My Notebook", is like an inspiration because we all start writing in a paper and a notebook.

Coffee Desk: My New Blog Template

IT'S DONE!! Take a look!

Remember that I discussed the problems I encountered with this template? I found out that it was an old version. I don't know what link I've clicked that reverted me to the contributor Falcon Hive website. And I was so grateful because it was the new and updated version. You can download it here Coffee Desk updated by Alvaris in December 2009. There's a guide you can read on the installation process from their website. But, I will post some of it, for you:

What To Do:
  1. Download the new version here zip
  2. Extract the file and saved it to your hard disk.
  3. After extracting, you will find a folder that says "IMAGE - UPLOAD FIRST". Yes, upload all the pictures in that folder, FIRST. If you have a photobucket account, upload it there. If not, you can create it here. The important thing is that it has an HTML version where you can copy and paste later, leave it open.
  4. Open another window and go to your blog Dashboard > Layout> Edit HTML,  first, click download full template, to back up or restore your old template.
  5. Next, still in the Edit HTML, browse and upload Coffee Desk_v100 XML document from the extracted files. Leave it open.
  6. Open the READ ME notepad in the extracted files folder for further instructions.
Problems Encountered:
(1) Undefined word shows instead of the Time/Date:
Here's what to do:
Here's what to do:
    1. Go to Blogspot DASHBOARD 
    2. Click SETTINGS tab. 
    3. In the SETTINGS tab, click FORMATTING. Then, go to the TIMESTAMP FORMAT then change the format as shown in this sample: Saturday, May 29, 2010.
    4. Click Save Settings.
    (2) Can not see the Menu Navigation that looks like a pinned note in the header.
           No worries, because if you did not edit your menu, then you can not see the "pinned note". Okay, to see it for yourself, you might try this out as temporary. (Only to see if the pinned note works Header portion)
        What to do:
          1. Go to Blogspot's Dashboard
          2. Click the Layout tab. Then, Page Elements. 
          3. In Add and Arrange Page Elements, you'll see Header then next is Menu. Click that menu Edit, pop up window will show, it's a Configure Link List. 
          4. In the Configure Link List, type a URL in the New Site URL box. The URL depends on you because this is only a test but if you want to type the website link you had in your mind, then do it, it is up to you.
          5. Then type the site name in the New Site Name Box and click Add Link.
          6. Click Save. 
          Refresh your blog, check if you see the "Pinned Note" in the Header and click it if it runs to the next page.
            I hope that helps if you want to use the Coffee Desk blog template. As of now, I am contented with the template, it speaks of the old me. A note, a pen, and coffee nearby! Chill!

              Coffee Desk Blog Template - BTemplate

              blog template, coffee desk
              Oh, how many times have I changed my template on this blog. Guess, it's three times already! :)  Well, I am always looking for changes to expand, to make it beautiful and simple. The name of this template is Coffee Desk. I found it in BTtemplate website. You will find hundreds  of templates for blog posts and WordPress from that website. And of course, it is free to download.

              I am fond of writing in  notebooks, journals and even in calendars. I still kept those notes. It's smelly and a little bit yellowish because of time. (Whispers) It's written in year 2004 that's why it looks rusty. :D   So, I guess, a notebook and a pen with extras like a coffee while writing! That suits fine, isn't!  

              I encountered problems on this template when i upload it, (1) all the widgets went into panic. I describe it as a "panicky widgets". It's like the widgets went  berserk, 2 widgets on top (header) posts on the footer and so on. I am glad I download first the (original) Full Template and saved it in my hard disk.  What I did, I restore it to original then copy the html of my widgets into a notepad and delete it from the lay-out. Then save. I  upload again the Coffee Desk html. No "panicky widgets this time because it was deleted. After uploading Coffee Desk html, I add the widgets html, one by one, I saved in one notepad file.
                                                                                                                                                                         Problem number  2 showed in every posts or articles. In every post there's a big and red word "UNDEFINED" for the time and date stamp. Whom I gonna call for help? Ghostbusters!! Oh no, not that one! It's Google website! And so, i typed on the google search box, " why undefined showed on my blog posts?". I was so glad I did because I found it! Here's the link , an answer, in case you will have the same problem. This man named spavel is an Official Top Contributor with a star. You will read it when you click that link over there. You can read his contributions but this one answer works for me.
              Your template says "Mr. Moto Rising (Ellington style)", but much of the code (including the undefined) is left over from the third-party template. The normal recommendation is to revert the widgets. That will put the date in the post footer and remove the "undefined". While reverting, make sure you click the right link!Below the template editor, click:        Revert widget templates to default               link to the LEFT of the Clear Edits button.
              And it works. The word UNDEFINED was gone and replaced by the exact date. But the dates font size is bigger. And look at this original from BTtemplate.  and the DEMO or even the photo above. Spot the difference? That's what I am going to fix next! See ya round!! :)

              Rants on Mocha's Guam Trip

              Mocha Uson
              Last night, I read Mocha Uson's personal blog. She's one of the Filipino sexy singer with a group. Don't get me wrong! You can view her sexy photos and video if you want to.

              What irks me was this:
              "Besides the positive response, the owner of Karisma, (Wenefredo E.Gallega) didn’t seem to be happy.  Oh well, I can’t please everyone, I thought to myself.  Then I found out, the reason why he wasn’t so ecstatic about me was that he had a different agenda.  He didn’t care about quality performance. He was complaining to our manager why do I go home right away after the show. He said that I should stay longer, sit with several guests and order inflated priced ladies drinks. He said that this was the only way his bar will earn.  And besides, I’ll also benefit from the commission (drinkback), he said. He even tried to convince me by saying that all famous celebrities that came to Guam did that."
              That happened in one of the bars in Guam. Sad to hear but it's true! We were talking about how low our economy is and how hard life is! But then, some people are like vultures or crocodiles who will do anything in the game of money. It downgrades not only Mocha but the other Filipino women as well.