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Deciphering and Overcoming Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are two of the most common mental health issues experienced by people in today's society. According to research, nearly 50 percent of adults experience stress or anxiety at some point during their lives. While it is normal to feel occasional stress or anxiety, prolonged periods of intense stress can have serious consequences on physical and mental health. This article will discuss why people suffer from stress and anxiety, the associated challenges, and how individuals can better manage these conditions. 

4 Tips On How To Enrich Your Mind And Become A Well-Rounded Person

book reader

Are you a well-rounded individual?
If your answer is no, don’t panic. It doesn’t mean that you are boring or uninteresting. In fact, not many people have this quality. But that’s what makes being well-rounded so special and sought after by employers, friends and partners alike. 
If you want to know how to enrich your mind, read on for our tips on how to become a well-rounded person.

Women’s Basic Health Conditions and Care

Many gender-specific difficulties, including estrogen production, mental health, sexual health, and fertility issues, are related to women's health. As one of the women, I had Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Sometimes, it triggers my sugar and urinary tract infections.
The following seven diseases are among those that pose significant health concerns to women and are those that manifest most frequently in them.

Infographic created by Women's Medical Research, a provider of prolapse support products

The Truth About Panty Liners

panty liner

They are in every supermarket or chemist. You can see its ads on TV more often than your face in the mirror. Women buy them because they are air to breathe and keep fresh. Probably you guessed by now what we are going to discuss further.

And, of course, we are talking about panty liners. Numerous experts recommend incontinence products because it is very convenient. But is there any potential harm that daily pads can do to the body? So in this article, you’ll learn how often you can use it and how to reduce its harmful effects.

How You Can Overcome Social Anxiety

You likely have a social anxiety disorder if you experience extreme fear and apprehension in social situations. Being in such situations will typically leave you dizzy, trembling, and scared of rejection or criticism. According to data from Mental Health America, 15 million American adults have a social anxiety disorder. This condition can be quite limiting, so it is prudent to combat it to function better in your daily life. Below are some effective ways to overcome your social anxiety.

1. See A Therapist


Three Most Common Prenatal Tests during Pregnancy

An obstetrician will supervise a pregnant woman's health and her baby during pregnancy. So, you will undergo a series of routine tests. But prenatal tests depends on the month of your pregnancy. 

There are times the doctor will ask for a test twice to make sure. Like myself, my obstetrician asked me twice to undergo a transvaginal exam. She is not satisfied with the first result of my baby's number of weeks. Also, the tests depend on your age, health and your family's medical history. 

Check out the infographic below for what routine tests you will undergo based on your trimester month.

Provided by International Surrogacy Center

How Swimming Can Help Children Deal with Stress

Stress is always a part of our life. Somehow, we have to teach our children how to deal with stress when the time comes. One of the things I know about dealing with stress is swimming. It teaches the kids how to swim and reduces fear or uneasiness in a child.

Look at the children swimming happily and squeaking their voices?  The infographic below shows how swimming can help a child deal with stressors.

How to Prevent Injury From Exercising

Exercise is to build our stamina and physical health. Also, it prevents our skin from ageing and builds muscles aside from maintaining weight. Although some people prefer outdoor exercise, they choose it with a group.

Being in a group is rewarding because each one is motivating and helping each other towards their health goal. Sometimes, due to unavoidable circumstances, something happens while exercising outdoors. To avoid it below is a guide to prevent injury from the exercise.

Guide provided by Universal Spa Training Academy

What Are the 7 Stages of Dementia?

Dementia is the loss of memory. It declines the reasoning and thinking skills that interfere with their way of life. Also, this affects the manner, feelings and bonding with the whole family.

How can a family help with a family member who has it? What the person needs is support, care and offer a shoulder to lean on. Even if she forgets, be patient and understand her situation. Also, try to involve her in a conversation or show him photos that might help her remember things. Best of all is to teach yourself further information about what has happened.

Dementia has seven stages that cause different symptoms. Below is an infographic that will guide you further.

Provided by WellSprings Home Care

How To Get Sleep When You Have Anxiety

According to HealthLine, anxiety is a natural response of your body to stress. It is a feeling of fear or worries about what's going to happen. As for me, my anxiety comes when my son may have a fever or cough because he has a primary complex before. He is clear now but, I can't sleep whenever my child is under the weather. So, what are you going to do if you can't get some sleep when you have anxiety. Read the infographic below for more details.

Guide provided by Depth Counseling

How to Stay Sane Amid Pandemic?

woman amid pandemic

Do you still remember the day before the first-ever lockdown happened? How about the last day you went outside without wearing that facemask? Perhaps, we all have been wondering what happened. But since the pandemic had hit the country already, the least we can do is to follow the protocol set by the government.

Covid-19 has been overwhelming to all. Imagine the changes that happened instantly. Who would have thought that it will last longer, even today, with no certainties until when this will end? What’s interesting about this pandemic is that despite the negative impact it caused us, we still manage to cope-up with its threat. Slowly, we adapt to the changes and that living the new normal as we call it now has been easier than how we thought of it.

How Does Sugar Affects Your Body

Being diabetic or if you want to lose weight, one of the things to avoid is sugar. Too much sugar intake is the primary cause of obesity, blood pressure and other chronic diseases. If you want to know more about how sugar affects your body, check the infographic below.

What Are the Benefits of Switching Your Workout Routine?

Having an exercise routine does not mean you're on the right track. I am talking about first-timers who go out to the gym or those staying at home. It happened to me when I did core exercises. My heart was palpitating that I could hardly breathe. So I stopped, rest and switch to another routine and do it by counting the numbers. If the count for today is 30x, tomorrow will add 10x and so on.

Infographic Guide on Healthcare-Associated Infections

These are infections that a person gets while staying at a healthcare facility for a different health condition. It may happen in some, which include hospitals, surgical, renal disease facilities and long-term-care facilities. If you want to know more about this, kindly read the infographic below:

Infographic created by Evergreen Medical Services

Mental Health Misdiagnosis in Children

We thought some kids are healthy because they are happy playing around and having fun. But, little did we know that some of them are sickly. Read more information about it below:

Infographic created by MySpectrum

Friendly Activities for Children With Autism

Every child loves different activities. It is entertaining and enjoyable for them. Let's create activities that suit especially for children with autism. Yet, for children with autism, let's allow them to explore their body movements, team-up activities, and many more. As parents' let's get involved with the play and activities for more fun.

Guide created by Lighthouse Autism Center

How to Sleep Better When You Have a Cough

Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to sleep at night when you have a cough? Since sleep is such an essential component of optimal immune function, it’s very important to get sufficient rest when you’re sick. Unfortunately, lying down tends to stimulate the coughing response, which can make it challenging to get quality sleep and can even trigger your anxiety response. While anxiety medication for teens may help you calm down and fall asleep quicker, here are some other things you can do to sleep better despite your cough.

How to Prevent Hearing Loss in Your Children

Now, this is one of the parents mistake especially for babies. Some parents like to place a headset on their baby's ears. Loud music irritates the eardrums for long hours. In this infographic, you will learn what causes hearing loss and how to prevent it. Read the infographic to learn more about what causes the hearing loss in a child and avoid it.

Guide created by e3 Diagnostics

Parent's Checklist for Children's Oral Health

A parent should teach her child to develop a healthy routine in oral health. It is essential to avoid problems like tooth decay, cavities and gum diseases. In this infographic, we provide a checklist for parents to guide their children for oral care.

Oral Health Checklist created by Natomas Crossing Dental Care

Things You Can Do Around The House To Boost Your Mental Health

When it comes to the way our minds work, things can go from good to bad and bad to good pretty quickly. The brain is amazing as it processes millions of pieces of data in such a short space of time. Those pieces of data aren’t always positive, though, which is kind of a pain in the backside. The more thoughts you have in your head, the chances are that you’re going to have more negative ones. The brain has a great way of providing all kinds of impediments in this gauntlet we call life.