Women’s Basic Health Conditions and Care

Many gender-specific difficulties, including estrogen production, mental health, sexual health, and fertility issues, are related to women's health. As one of the women, I had Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Sometimes, it triggers my sugar and urinary tract infections.
The following seven diseases are among those that pose significant health concerns to women and are those that manifest most frequently in them.

Infographic created by Women's Medical Research, a provider of prolapse support products

Heart Disease
  • Most common cause of death for women in the United States
  • Risk factors, such as high blood pressure and low estrogen, are more common after menopause.
  • Approximately 64% of women with heart disease who pass away suddenly never reported feeling symptoms
  • Treatment options include medication, coronary bypass surgery, angioplasty, and stenting.

Type II Diabetes
  • Increases the risk for heart disease by four times in women
  • Being overweight and over the age of 45 are common risk factors
  • Women are susceptible to diabetes-related complications, such as blindness, kidney disease and depression
  • Medications and lifestyle changes - such as maintaining a healthy weight and quitting smoking - can help manage symptoms and complications

Breast Cancer
  • Affects 12% of women in the U.S.
  • 55,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women each year
  • Survival rates are high when detected early
  • Usual treatments include a combination of chemotheraphy, surgery, radiation, and hormonal or biological theraphy.

The rest are lung cancer, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, and pelvic organ prolapse (pop). 

There is more to women's health. New technologies arise for the treatment of illnesses and diseases. I think changing our lifestyle would help before it is too late.

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