Showing posts with label women's health. Show all posts

Women’s Basic Health Conditions and Care

Many gender-specific difficulties, including estrogen production, mental health, sexual health, and fertility issues, are related to women's health. As one of the women, I had Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Sometimes, it triggers my sugar and urinary tract infections.
The following seven diseases are among those that pose significant health concerns to women and are those that manifest most frequently in them.

Infographic created by Women's Medical Research, a provider of prolapse support products

The Truth About Panty Liners

panty liner

They are in every supermarket or chemist. You can see its ads on TV more often than your face in the mirror. Women buy them because they are air to breathe and keep fresh. Probably you guessed by now what we are going to discuss further.

And, of course, we are talking about panty liners. Numerous experts recommend incontinence products because it is very convenient. But is there any potential harm that daily pads can do to the body? So in this article, you’ll learn how often you can use it and how to reduce its harmful effects.