Remembering Mother's 4th Death Anniversary!

I forgot the exact date of my mother's death. I understand that's between March 1 to March 3. It dawned on me, today, why she was in my dream, last night. It's my mothers 4th death anniversary. 

Dearest Mom, 
I'm sorry I forgot about the date when God took you away from us. But, you'll always be remembered and always in our hearts. I love you, Ma!

(CLOSED) Mumwrites Firmoo Valentine's Giveaway

Mumwrites does a review for Firmoo glasses. As a treat, she's giving away 

5pcs of Designer Glass Vouchers worth $30

It's an easy task in the Rafflecopter. All you have to do is:

- Like Firmoo Glasses Fan Page

-  Tell which Firmoo Pair of glasses you'd like to own
    (choose through Firmoo website and leave a comment)
- Share the giveaway on Facebook
- Tweet the giveaway
- Blog about the giveaway (for bloggers only)
- Plus bonus points

Some of the tasks are not mandatory. 

It is Open worldwide.

Ends on February 22, 2013!

Happy Valentines!

valentines - walk through life

We arrived last night, in time to celebrate Valentines day with my husband, Chris! Happy Valentines day, everyone! Enjoy and have fun! Have a great life!

Filipino Boy Joined X-Factor Bulgaria in 2011

My son and I were both watching a movie trailer from youtube when I caught a glimpse on one of the video's on the right side. I become curious and excited to watch it. The title was X-Factor Bulgaria - Philippine Boy. The boy's name is Alexander Aguilar. He's a Filipino - American working as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Bulgaria.  

I don't understand Bulgarian but thanks to Youtube's update. There's a button that you can watch the video with a caption on for different languages. Even so, the translations were weird and different. I am glad there's another option for me to understand it. It's a  transcript icon in which you can read what they were talking about when you click. And here's some of them:

0:13  Hello. -Hello.
0:15 What's your name?
0:16 My name is Raphael.
0:17 Raphael, how old are you?
0:20 I'm 25.
0:21 And where do you come from?
0:23 I come from California, San Francisco.
0:26 I was born in the Philippines.
0:31 What brought you in Bulgaria?
0:33 I'm a Peace Corps volunteer.
0:39 How long have you been in Bulgaria?
0:40 I've been here for two years.
0:42 Only two years and
0:43 you speak Bulgarian like that!
0:46 Talent!
0:47 Bravo! Bravo!
0:48 Thanks.
0:49 What does the Peace Corps do?
0:53 I am an English teacher in Bregovo,
0:57 a small town near Vidin.

The title of the Bulgarian song is "Oblache le Bialo" (The little white cloud).  It is an emotional song, I think. That's why the judges and audiences were teary-eyed when they heard it.  

Here's the translation from DjanielJungParker in here :

Tell me white cloud, Where did you came? Where did you fly? Do you not see my father's home? Do you not hear my mother talk?
What makes my sweet child, with foreign people, foreign bread shared.

You tell her white cloud, I'm alive and well here, and that you saw me.
Send many greetings from me, much time has passed, still little stay.
Soon the time will come in the village to return, to return and to hug my mother.

Isn't it lovely?

Have you experienced binat?

Yes, I experienced it - December, last year. What do you mean by "binat"? Binat is a filipino word coined for relapse. Usually, this is what our folks says especially, if you give birth. Here's an example from an online Tagalog English Dictionary  - "Huwang masyadong magpagod, baka ka mabinat!" Don't tire yourself, you might have a relapse.

I wish I know until when I have the time to rest after miscarriage. I can't wait to lay a hand on our dirty clothes piling high! And yes, I did, the laundry after a week of rest! Next day, I hang all the clothes outside because the weather is hot. After, I've done it, I sat down and my body feel extremely tired.  There is no headache or anything painful. It's only tiredness, I feel. My husband told me to take a rest because I might have a relapse. What I did was sleep the whole day. Then, woke up when it's time for a meal. I made a rest for three days. It's a lazy thing to do but I have to regain back my strength for my son.

How about you? Have you experienced relapse?