Showing posts with label mobile apps. Show all posts

The Good and Bad Of Going through Your Partner's Phone

A home improvement app, Porch conducted a survey and found that 49.6% of male respondents and 67.3% of women respondents snooped through their partner’s smartphones. According to evolutionary psychology, both men and women experience jealousy in different ways and, thus, feel threatened due to different reasons. Men, in general, are more jealous of sexual infidelity and women are more jealous of emotional infidelity as it affects the long-term commitment of their partner.

Track and Report Your Expenses with Spent Money


Everyone needs a money manager to manage their monthly expenses and income. It is very important to keep a track of your personal finance. Well, if you’re in need of a helping hand, then Spent Money is your best option. It is your ultimate expense manager, money tracker and receipt scanner that will help you manage all your fiscal needs. It permits entrepreneurs and freelancers to easily handle their day to day transactions and finances while getting cash back to increase a few bucks in their wallet.

JazzyPay, The New Online Payment System

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JazzyPay makes remittance payments to schools, hospitals, clinics, and other facilities easy.

A new online payment system rises from the Philippines E-commerce Industry with the name JazzyPay. If you're working abroad, you can use JazzyPay and send remittances to your family back home. To answer your questions like how does it work? Is it safe to use it? Is it applicable to the country where I worked? How much will JazzPay charge? Your questions will be answered below.

TopBuzz: Mobile News at your Fingertips - Review

topbuzz, mobile app

Google Play | Facebook | Twitter | Website

In the old days, people will buy newspapers to read the latest news. It is not only one, but 2 or 3 different newspaper to read. Life has changed in growing years. There are people who have no time to buy newspapers because of their busy schedules and meetings. The people would turn to their computers to read the latest events through the internet.  Others, would use their gadgets like cellphone or mobile to share the news on Facebook. Our world has become advance with technology and e-commerce, so, how about a mobile app?

AMXWorks, a mobile app developer has created a mobile news application named as TopBuzz. TopBuzz gathers all the latest news, videos and deals from different sources like Inquirer, CNN Philippines, Kickerdaily to name a few.

  • Mobile app is FREE - You can find and download it from Google Play. For Cherry Mobile users, it is available in Pinoy AppShop.
  • Easy To Navigate - On the upper left side is a small icon, when you press it with your fingertip, it slides and shows you 12 different categories to choose from. These are namely: Latest, Buzz, Featured, News, Sports, Lifestyle, Business, Technology, Videos, Deals, Jobs and Events. 
  • No need to go from one newspaper to another. It's all here with your fingertip!


I did not encounter any problem with this mobile app. The problem I had was my Wifi connection. Download and installation took me 1 minute. While, loading time is 3 to 4 minutes  before I can read a news article. Just make sure your internet connection is way fast. Or you'll end up frustrated from waiting, like me. By the way, I am using an iPad for downloading and installation of the said app.

If you want to download and visit their Facebook for further information, you can refer the links above

Below are my screenshots of the mobile news app

The Front Page.12 categories Video Categories

The first item under News Category from the top, down to the comments

Rating: 4 stars