3 Reasons to Get off the Beaten Track from Time to Time

Burning Campfire
A hundred or so years ago, the vast majority of people – including in the Western world – lived in the countryside and in rural environments, in general. Today, all around the world, more and more people are living in cities – and a large number live in sprawling metropolises the likes of which have never been seen before in history.

Our Body Is Our Temple, So Why Don't We Ever Worship It?

We only have one and we won’t ever get another. Our body is unique in so many different ways. Our skin is not the exact same as those around us, our nails, hair, membranes, cells and blood are 1 in 7 billion. It's taken millions of years for the human body to form and it's become one of the most complex systems in the entire world. And yet, look at how we abuse it. We drink regularly and sometimes too much. We demand our liver do the heavy lifting for us and our skin has to then keep us cool while toxins are flushed out from our pores. We then don’t take care of our body through healthy dieting. We know we shouldn’t be eating fast food and junk food regularly but we can’t resist and do so anyway. Our body never gets a break, even when we do. Our mind might be in the clouds but our body is going to it's 24-hour shifts every single day. It never stops and yet we don’t seem to realize this. Our body is our temple, where we permanently reside, the only place where truly have the most amount of control possible. It's about time we treated it as such.

“Fall” In Line: Common House Problems During The Fall Months

common house
White and Red Wooden House by Scott Webb
The fall is on the horizon, and with the lovely, crisp, leaves scattered around everywhere comes a few problems, especially in your home. These aren't the common water problems related to the tank, but they're all weather dependent, and with the change in temperature, as well as an introduction of rain to the home, comes quite a few problems that you need to get on top of.