The Forgotten Benefits of Short Story Writing

benefits of short story writing

In an era when blogging is all the rage, you will have hardly come across anyone who might say that they want to publish a novel someday. Unfortunately, it’s not a modern writer’s goal anymore as it takes months or even a year to write and publish a novel… that is if it publishes at all. So, the majority (having forgotten the advantages of writing short stories) is happy blogging to increase their blog ratings instead. But writing short stories of roughly the same word count as a medium length blog seems to be do-able right? It most certainly is. Word counter can be used to find out the accurate word count. Having said that I am not in any way implying that a short story is a piece of cake. It is a challenge. The story not only has to be succinct but it also needs to be a great read... which makes it quite challenging to write as a writer.

X Tips on How to Maximize Your Mobile Device's Battery Life

mobile device battery life

There used to be a time when going out with your phone meant not having to think about charging it for days on end, but with the advent of feature-heavy mobile devices, you’d have to check every half hour for signs of life. Users with mobile devices have remedied this with the purchase of a reliable powerbank,but one can’t always be expected to remember to carry an extra weight around at all times (despite well-known brands like Anker coming up with sleeker and lighter powerbanks).

Paperless Post Review

When it comes to business, communication is digital for some people. Our society has become fast-paced and creates shortcuts, instead. I was emailed to try and review it. Since I like to design and learn new things, I accepted it.

The RealReal Provides A Boutique Marketplace To Sell Your Gucci Purse

Luxury fashion items (like Gucci purses) have always held its value but the market had always been scarce and without much centralization. Of course, brand-name boutiques had dominated pricing of such items with most wealthy shoppers buying new items that will likely remain in a closet somewhere.