ATC Evening Primrose: Don’t Let PMS Get the Best of You!

Ladies, have you heard about PMS? PMS is short for Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. Once a month, women turn temporarily into monsters - unpredictable, confrontational, irrational and emotional monsters. As such, they wreak havoc on those that dare cross them. Acquaintances, friends, loved ones… none are spared. I had this, too! I informed a nurse because I lost control of my patience and I get angry, so easily. That isn't me. She told me that I had a change of hormones. So, don't dare to cross the line when a woman is having a PMS. 

Women who are in their 20's and 40's is likely to experience pre-menstrual syndrome. Even the pregnant women. So what you can do about it? If your PMS isn't so bad, you can change your lifestyle like do some exercises, alternative therapies, medications or alternative food supplements like ATC Evening Primrose.

ATC Evening Primrose relieves premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and breast tenderness associated with the menstrual cycle. ATC Evening Primrose also helps alleviate hot flashes caused by menopause and reduces symptoms of eczema and dermatitis. Also, be reminded that ATC Evening Primrose is not a medicinal drug and should not be used to treat the symptoms of any disease.

So, don’t be a PMS monster, take ATC Evening Primrose. 

ATC Evening Primrose is recommended to be taken one capsule a day, preferably with warm water.

ATC Evening Primrose is available at all leading drugstores and Mercury Drug nationwide for SRP P6.00 per soft gel capsule.

ATC Evening Primrose, the food supplement for women.

How I Create My Blog Title

These past days, I was trying to rack my brain for a new blog title. I feel that "Elisa Knows and Writes" isn't me. The blog title was created in a snap because of the SEO thing. Yes, I pass the number of characters in the blog title. But, I am not comfortable with it. It must be something else. Something about ME!! The blog represents about you as a blogger.

A friend Cindy who is an SEO Expert messaged me in Facebook and exchange comments on her post. She asked me if I am a home study. I was surprised then I remember my Facebook post of "Self studying is worth it". We had a little conversation that is an exchange of ideas. I took the opportunity and shoot her a question. If she can suggest a blog title for me. Her answer is "Go with your feelings!". Go with your feelings! I keep it playing on my mind. I tried to feel it with my heart. I keep understanding and thinking about it. What do I want? What are the things that I love to do? How do I feel? What are my feelings? Is it emotions? What is the best blog title that describes me? These are the questions that are lurking in my mind. Suddenly, I know the answer! Of all the places, I was in the shower when it happened. "For The Love of Learning"!

how to make a blog title
For the Love of Learning, is my new blog title!

This blog title speaks about me and what I am doing right now. Having a new domain is a challenge. I had zero idea on how to transfer the domain name to blogspot especially it's a little bit complex. Eventually, it took me two days to transfer and understand. I was challenged and I love it with feelings. Now, I keep on researching or googling the internet trying to learn different tips and tricks. It's all about blogging such as the SEO, traffic drive in search engines, webmaster tools and a bit of coding on the side.  Whatever I learned from my research, I applied it on my blog. Do it with passion!

As the days go by, I learned that there is no need to rush. Take things slowly. Loved whatever you learned and do. DO it with feelings! Do it with your heart.


I am fond of changing blog titles!

Philippine Payroll Software to Help Businesses Grow

If you are working, one of the most important elements for you is receiving your salary accurately and on time. Is there a Philippine payroll software that can actually do that especially now that businesses is facing greater challenges locally and regionally?

With the advent of the ASEAN Economic Community and the ASEAN integration businesses would have to compete not only with local companies, but also with competitors in the ASEAN region not only with their products but with their employees as well. This is the main reason why businesses should already be upgrading their system and looking for ways to improve business processes.

Payroll is one of the most important business process, but most of the time the way that it is being done is mostly overlooked. In 1999, Mustard Seed Systems Corporation developed an in-house Payroll software – Philippine Payroll Software out of its own need to improve its payroll system.

Urbanista: A Tribute to Urban Lifestyle

Whatever, Whenever and Wherever, music has been a part of our life. Even a baby loves to hear music and lull them to sleep. As a mom, that's what I do with my son when he was more than a year old. 

When it's time for me to do the house chores, I'd love to hear an upbeat music. Madonna's music makes me dance while doing house chores. I sway and sashay while sweeping the dance floor err the house floor. Even if I am washing our clothes, no one can stop me. It makes me feel so relaxed, light, happy and fast! That is why - “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”

With that, I need a good headset/earphone product so I can move my hands and limbs freely. As they say, "Go with the flow". I am lucky that Urbanista is now in the Philippines.