Musings In My Mind

This is my entry to Techie She’s Lucky Blogger Weekly Giveaways Week 9. This week’s prize is $10 paypal credits from Lainy of Lainy’s Musings.

We lived in an internet shop with one small room for us to sleep! Everyday, there’s a lot of noise, heat and radiation emits from the computers. You can just imagine how hot it is when the weather is starting to boil. The owner told us to use electric fan instead of an aircon. I guess, she wants to lower its expenditures.

 When the baby was born, we stayed in our room because if we go out, it's too hot. 

While, I rocked my baby in my arms to sleep, I am musing for a crib and laptop.

What if he has a crib with rolls royce? I can move it anywhere where he can sleep peacefully. Perhaps, he can sleep long hours under the Talisay tree or Mango tree in the backyard. The leaves of those trees that extends like an umbrella, shields the heat from the sun. That's why it's so cool to stay underneath those trees.

With a laptop, I can blog, click ptc's and do other things online while watching my baby and be with him. I think it's convenient for both of us. Unlike a computer (that is not ours), I have to leave it to take a nap or carry my baby to sleep. Sometimes, it's a shame to use the computer because there are customers waiting in line.

These are the musings in my mind. Now, I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that one day, it's for real.

Weekend Blog Follower Caravan #19

follower, caravan

Welcome to the Weekend Blog Follower Caravan #19. Each week, the caravan delivers different themes.  This week's theme is not only one but two.  They are Google Connect Friend and Like fan page. Most of us, fan page is created in Facebook. Aside from that, the host of this event will raffle 2 winners of $5 weekly and at the end of the month $20 PAYPAL CASH plus banner ad will be given to one winner. How's that? Also, you gain friends and not to mention, the traffic for your blog stats. 

How to do that? Just follow the simple mechanics. Check Online Biz and Resources for details. I'll tell you, the mechanics is just a piece of cake. 

For my entry, click the LIKE button above this statement. Not the one below the title post. It's not a page Like but Sharing this post. Please pardon me because I'm a frustrated geek. I'm still fixing the Like page for the side bar. My Google friend is just around the side bar, please, take a look. After you do that, please don't forget to leave a comment for me to follow you.

Am Rice for Baby

Photo Credits: Pixabay

Am pronunciation is like, "I am". Wondering what's am rice? It's the broth from cooking rice. It's an option if a family cannot buy milk powder or on a budget. A woman told me that it made her baby earn the exact weight. But what benefits will my baby get from? 
1. It treats diarrhea.
2. It helps bring down fever.
3. It fulfills and energizes your baby's needs.

I did not have a chance to breastfeed my baby, so, I gave him formula milk. I used a brand of milk but as the months passed by, he is getting thinner. He is 4 months old but weighs only 5.2 kilos. My ears are getting full by different comments. Good and bad about my baby's weight.

Today, I was surprised when a resident doctor told me that my baby was malnourished. Gosh, it breaks my heart upon hearing this. I thought malnourished babies are those who are thin, skinny with a big tummy. My baby wasn't like that. He's thin but moves and kicks actively.

I am considering to change the brand milk then mix it with Am rice as my baby's infant milk.  Just half of the Am rice on his feeding bottle.

Preparations for am rice:
1. Wash 1 cup rice in a pan or small casserole
2. After washing put 4 - 5 cups of water then let it boil.
3. When boiling, stir until rice broth becomes sticky.
4. Set aside the broth in a feeding bottle or bowl.
5. Let it cool.

I hope my baby will gain weight through this. I know he is ready for weaning because I've  seen the signs.

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Winnings from The New Baby Giveaway

Here it is! Finally, the giveaway I won from joining Make or Break New Baby Giveaway
Photo Credits: Make or Break
My heart was beating so fast when Sis Peh had sent me a message through Facebook. She only told me, "please read" with a link post of the winner. I click that link and watched the video from start to finish. There! I hear Sis Peh read my name and later on she showed it on the video. Yehey, it's really my name! I won. 

I am very thankful that Sati unknowingly, picked up my name in the box. I love the prize especially the diaper.  Baby Chrizs will use the FREE diaper for a number of days. It's a big, big savings for us. 

Thank you, thank you very much Sati and Sis Peh!

Page Rank Breaks My Heart

A while ago, I opened my blog and checked if I had messages or shout-outs to returned it back. But, when I scroll down, I saw a question mark from the PR checker. Whattha?!!  You could just imagine my reaction! My eyes were big like an owl with my jaw dropped. Oh no, this can't be!

Do you know why I reacted that way? I am not exaggerating. It's unfair. This blog had reached PR2 without my knowledge. Heck, I stopped blogging actually for about 10 months. Within those months, I haven't checked and view my blog. I only open my account, approved comments and read posts from the blogs that I follow then log-out. After giving birth and rest for about a month, I returned blogging and stay late nights even until morning. That's the time when I saw my blog reached PR2. It's like, "WOW". It reached pr2 and I did not do anything. No blogs, no backlinks.

Now that I am back, my page rank went down from PR 2, pr1 to a question mark? What happened?? I really don't know the algorithms of Google. But hey! I am blogging again and sending backlinks. Does changing my template affect the rankings? Oh well, all I know is that he broke and sliced my heart. Staying all night until mornings end into a question mark rank. Is it because my blog is not of a quality-type? Hah! I should know better.

Guess, I'll start again with a question mark rank. Any suggestions on e-how to raise page ranks? Maybe, there is something that I have to change. Can you tell me what changes I am going to make?

Thank you very much.