Little Things to Know About Disposable Vape

vape flavours
Image by haiberliu of Pixabay

A vape is a new word that has been in the market for only a few years. It is also known as an e-cigarette or electronic cigarette. It is a metallic device that consists of an atomizer, battery and cartridge that serves as a container for the liquid solution. Usually, when you smoke a cigar, it's a puff and huff. In vaping, you have to inhale the vapour from the liquid before exhaling.  

Vape pens come in 2 major types: disposable and reusable. Made of plastics, the disposable ones are heat-up when you puff on them. The downside is, it only lasts about half an hour of continuous use before disposing of the pen.  While the reusable ones last much longer but, they need to charge more often.

5 Tips for Investing in Designer Fashion Pieces

There is something special about investing in designer fashion pieces, from the quality and the fit to knowing you love and want to support the brand. Building a wardrobe of high-quality fashion pieces is an exciting process as you discover which pieces you love and want to consciously add to your collection. 

timeless watch

Press Release - Live Safe Now with Defensil Isopropyl Alcohol

When the pandemic started, the Filipinos were encouraged to follow the protocols. The protocol is to stay at home and wear masks or face shields. 

spray defensil alcohol
My partner, a construction worker, sprays Defensil Isopropyl Alcohol

Some of us are working outside the home Defensil Isopropyl Alcohol encourages us to live safely. Many establishments are starting to re-open, which allows people to resume their lifestyles before the pandemic.

Storytelling of My Favorite Solitaire Games

solitaire org logo

The Solitaire games are classic and timeless. It brings back good old memories before having a personal computer. As the saying goes, "oldies but goodies". I remember the siblings of my father when they gather together they play mahjong. Amid all the fights and throwing words against each other when they play, it is all loud voices and peals of laughter for winning the game. Ah, I'm a bit nostalgic. Those were the gold old days when I was a little girl back then.

I brought this up, remembering the past because I saw this classic mahjong games website. Honestly, I do not play this game because my father prohibits me from it. It's okay for me. I am happy and contented watching them, my aunts and uncles playing it with happiness.