How Librarians Can Help Tackle Fake News

It’d be wrong to fall into the trap of believing that the world is in an irreparably terrible state; by most metrics that we’d use to measure the state of the world, we’re doing pretty well. But equally, it would be wrong to think that there aren’t some significant problems that need to be addressed. One such example of these modern problems is the rise of fake news, which has become especially difficult to contain in recent years. This has been in part because of the ease in which the internet has enabled the spreading of fake news, but there are also bigger issues too.

No matter the cause of fake news, it’s clear that if we’re going to live in a democratic society, then fake news must be deleted from the narrative. The question is: how do you combat it? There’ll be roles to play in this battle from various organizations throughout the society, most notably from the government, the media, and social media networks. But perhaps the most underrated contribution will come from librarians, who are especially good at educating the public and can thus show them how to spot fake news and reduce its impact. In many ways, the issue isn’t that fake news exists; it’s that it’s becoming more and more difficult to determine what’s real and what’s not.

Keeping Yourself Safe When You Become a Blogger

Increasing numbers of people are becoming bloggers. Many are starting personal blogs for the sheer sake of showing their family and friends what they’re up to. Some are taking to professional blogging to make a career of sharing their ideas and thoughts with the wider world. Either way, your blog will generally be accessible to the wider public and you can quickly find yourself with a large following. Now, this is great. It can propel you to success! But it’s also important that you keep yourself safe when you become a blogger. When you become a public figure, you need to ensure that you’re not oversharing to avoid potential issues.

Home Energy Saving Checklist

Electricity usage has become a big part of our daily life. Most of our life depends on it now. Without electricity, we have no lights, appliances to cook for our family and, a lot more. If someone in the family is not careful about using it, the house bills will increase every month. Please check the infographic checklist below on how to save energy:

Checklist created by Lightbulb Wholesaler

5 Handy Accessories For Your Fridge


At home, our fridges are a vital appliance within our kitchens. Due to their cold temperatures, fridges are able to manage the activity of bacteria on food which otherwise manifests in high temperatures. Fridges are crucial in ensuring our food and beverages are kept fresher for longer so that we are able to safely enjoy them. They are a staple within any household, and without them, food would be wasted much more often.