Baby Giveaway with Over $708 in Prizes! (CLOSED)

Having a newborn makes me feel excited. You want to buy and give everything that your baby needs like swaddle blanket, ointments, etc. The products for this giveaway are one of a kind. It's almost a package for our baby's needs. 

Hop on and enjoy! Enter and join this giveaway!

Ghost In The Shop

ghost, spirit, horror
Photo Credits : Pixabay
Two nights ago, around 10:00 pm to 11:00 p.m. in the evening. I saw a ghost. This is what happened.

Father and son went out to buy snacks. The only person I'm with is the hospital trustee in the internet shop. The shop is the adjacent building of the hospital. A nurse came in to inform the trustee about the new patient. Of course, they both went out to prepare the patient's room. I'm left alone but I'm not afraid because the lights are on.

(CLOSED) Kids Bundle Giveaway! 2 Winners

This giveaway is timely! As the BER months is beginning to unfold, moms are eyeing on sales and discounts for possible gifts. How about joining this giveaway? Who knows you'll be the winner of a tablet Kid's Edition or a copy of the book Purrball Meets Burrball in Brazil! Isn't that a great gift? Hop on and enjoy this giveaway! :)

6 Quirky But Effective Tips to Save on Groceries

Savings, Groceries, tips

Payday means grocery shopping and yes, overspending! You’re not the only one who has driven out of the parking lot with bags of food, personal items and even the most ridiculous products you don’t even need. You may have heard of the usual “plan ahead and make your list” advice and after months of doing that, and failing miserably, it may be time to check out other ways to avoid the buying frenzy. Here are six odd ways to make sure you only get what you need from the supermarket.