Press Release - Live Safe Now with Defensil Isopropyl Alcohol

When the pandemic started, the Filipinos were encouraged to follow the protocols. The protocol is to stay at home and wear masks or face shields. 

spray defensil alcohol
My partner, a construction worker, sprays Defensil Isopropyl Alcohol

Some of us are working outside the home Defensil Isopropyl Alcohol encourages us to live safely. Many establishments are starting to re-open, which allows people to resume their lifestyles before the pandemic.

Storytelling of My Favorite Solitaire Games

solitaire org logo

The Solitaire games are classic and timeless. It brings back good old memories before having a personal computer. As the saying goes, "oldies but goodies". I remember the siblings of my father when they gather together they play mahjong. Amid all the fights and throwing words against each other when they play, it is all loud voices and peals of laughter for winning the game. Ah, I'm a bit nostalgic. Those were the gold old days when I was a little girl back then.

I brought this up, remembering the past because I saw this classic mahjong games website. Honestly, I do not play this game because my father prohibits me from it. It's okay for me. I am happy and contented watching them, my aunts and uncles playing it with happiness.

Why Are Farmhouses Selling Better Today?


It is safe to say that due to the global pandemic COVID-19, many people have turned their backs to the glitz and glamour of life and faced simplicity. As a result, many people moved from their busy city life to the lighter countryside over the past two years. So, it was not surprising why farmhouses have been hot on the market this year. 

Farmhouse becomes the initial quarters for agriculture and harvest. One can say it was underrated ever since but has been taking the spotlight recently. Here are some reasons why farmhouses are selling twice as much as usual today.