Three Most Common Prenatal Tests during Pregnancy

An obstetrician will supervise a pregnant woman's health and her baby during pregnancy. So, you will undergo a series of routine tests. But prenatal tests depends on the month of your pregnancy. 

There are times the doctor will ask for a test twice to make sure. Like myself, my obstetrician asked me twice to undergo a transvaginal exam. She is not satisfied with the first result of my baby's number of weeks. Also, the tests depend on your age, health and your family's medical history. 

Check out the infographic below for what routine tests you will undergo based on your trimester month.

Provided by International Surrogacy Center

How Swimming Can Help Children Deal with Stress

Stress is always a part of our life. Somehow, we have to teach our children how to deal with stress when the time comes. One of the things I know about dealing with stress is swimming. It teaches the kids how to swim and reduces fear or uneasiness in a child.

Look at the children swimming happily and squeaking their voices?  The infographic below shows how swimming can help a child deal with stressors.

10 Tips To Save Money On Your Summer Wardrobe

women shopping

Now that the summer has arrived it’s time to create the perfect summer wardrobe. If you’re looking to create a beautiful wardrobe on a budget there are plenty of ways that you can do this. To get going today try taking on board these ten simple tips.

1 . Check Vintage Stores
If you’re looking to save money on your summer wardrobe you need to check out a vintage store or two. Many vintage clothing stores offer beautiful and unique clothing at a great price. Shopping for vintage clothes is a great way to live sustainably and reduce your carbon footprint. When you shop in vintage stores you can find rare clothing items to create an original and funky look.

Most Common Countertop Materials in the Philippines

kitchen countertop
An Granite Example of a Kitchen Countertop

For everyone who cooks, they know exactly how important a great countertop is for the kitchen. It’s where you prepare your meals, store some of your appliances, and just work your way around the kitchen. It’s one of the most used parts of your kitchen, so choosing the right material can be a beneficial option for you.