Makeup Palette by Ofra Cosmetics

makeup palette
Glitch Baked Eyeshadow Palette

A makeup palette is a range of different colours that compliments your eyes. It is one of a woman's desired creations in makeup. But as a beginner, how will you do that? Will it make you look beautiful? Are there types of makeup palettes? These are the questions that are running into your mind, especially if it's your first.

5 DIY Home Decorations for Homeowners on a Budget

home decor

Designing your home doesn’t have to cost a fortune! If you just look hard enough, there are plenty of affordable decorations you can do yourself! Aside from them being one of a kind, they’re a great conversation starter whenever family and friends come over.

Add personal touches to your home with DIY decorations. Check out these five home decorations, perfect for homeowners on a tight budget.

When Is The Right Time to Start Your Own Family

We all want to start a family. But, the question is when? When is the right time to start a family? Are you ready for it? It's a big decision of a lifetime. Although, it's different how each of one started it, be responsible and face it.

Guide created by Natera

Mental Health Misdiagnosis in Children

We thought some kids are healthy because they are happy playing around and having fun. But, little did we know that some of them are sickly. Read more information about it below:

Infographic created by MySpectrum