Luxuriate beneath the Magnificent Palawan Sun at The Avara Nature & Yacht Club

Experience serene, luxurious seaside living in Taytay, Palawan

A glimpse of a seaside living redefined through Avara. 
  Nov. 13, 2018 (MANILA) – Imagine this: The sound of waves crashing on the shore and the sunlight peeking through the window wake you up on a lazy Saturday morning. You slowly open your eyes, afraid that you’re just in the middle of a dream. But you’re not. You stand up as you feel the gentle sea breeze touch your face. You go out of the porch and look at the horizon. You take your time to enjoy the beauty of the blue skies and the deep sea.The yacht will be waiting for you whenever you’re ready, anyway. That’s the promise of Avara Nature & Yacht Club—the easy life of the seaside.

11 Travel Tips to Save Your Vacation

saving tips for your vacation

If you are an avid traveler or even the occasional one, you know that there will always be something that doesn’t go according to plan. We want to make sure that your vacation mishaps don’t escalate so you can have a memorable trip full of positive memories. In this guide, we will give you 11 travel hacks you can use to get the most out of your trip.

Keep Your Business Updated with POS System

Today, we live in a fast moving world and people these days are not very impatient. We want everything in an instant. We want fast service and, we want everything to do in the least of time. We even go for instant food. This trend affects the business world. To keep up with the pace, merchants to have to look into ways to meet the demands of their customers.