Evening Primrose, A Woman's PMS Reliever!

atc evening primrose

No more PMS Worries

At some point in your life, you will meet a woman who snaps irrational. She would crave without control and shops like mad, once every month. This usually happens a week or two before their period. The science behind it is premenstrual syndrome or PMS. Study shows that 1 out of 20 women, PMS is intense. It can cause disruption to the quality of their life which resulted to misunderstanding. Although, PMS can sometimes be mistaken as an anxiety or depression. It's identifiable by its symptoms such as mood swings and loss of confidence. A woman who has PMS can also be emotional and irritable. What makes this woman worse? This woman will undergo physical struggles such as headaches, migraines, abdominal bloating, breast tenderness and asthma. PMS, may be a monthly battle women learned to live with but you can always look for back-up which taking ATC Evening Primrose.

ATC Evening Primrose relieves premenstrual syndrome (PMS)). It stops even the breast tenderness associated with the menstrual cycle. ATC Evening Primrose also helps reduce hot flashes caused by menopause. Also, it reduces symptoms of eczema and dermatitis. Be a reminder that ATC Evening Primrose is not a medicinal drug. It should not be use to treat the symptoms of any disease.

Let go of your PMS worries with ATC Evening Primrose. I recommend ATC Evening Primrose to take one capsule a day with warm water.

ATC Evening Primrose is available at Mercury Drug and all leading drugstores nationwide. It is available for only P6.00 per soft gel capsule.

ATC Evening Primrose, the supplement that a woman needs.

Take Care of Your Liver, Take Livermarin!

Let's celebrate health with Livermarin!

Filipinos love of celebrating and drinking has been long part of our culture. As much as we love to celebrate all the festivities that we have, keep in mind that we only have one body. Don't wait till it's too late. There are two main ways in which you can damage your liver with Oxidative stress and Toxins in Gut Bacteria. In basic, the two has the same end point. It is the inflammation and scarring of the liver that can lead to a liver transplant. It is when the liver stops working completely because of excessive drinking.

To celebrate and enjoy the Philippines best festivities, let's drink in moderation. Let's include and take Livermarin on our daily diet. Livermarin is a dietary supplement. It contains 250mg of Silymarin or Milk Thistle and 100mg of Sodium Ascorbate. Silymarin is a potent antioxidant that protects your liver. It also promotes the growth of new liver cells while preventing liver damage. The Sodium Ascorbate which is a form of Vitamin C helps boost the immune system.

Livermarin is available at Mercury Drug and other leading drugstores nationwide.

You can buy it for only P9.00 per capsule.

For more inquiries, you may contact ATC Healthcare at these numbers:
516-888, 0909-3333333 or 0917-5623333

A Simple Merry Christmas To One and All

No Christmas trees and Christmas lights!
No Gift-giving! No food for this special occasion!

What we have 
are only the three of us 
who celebrate Christmas in a simplest form.

Thank you Jesus 
for this life and good health.
Thank you much for all the opportunities!

Merry Christmas to One and ALL!