First Night Swimming of Baby Chrizs

The night swimming happened, April this year and I am still thinking about it. The truth is I'm having second thoughts in joining the said outing organized by the hospital celebrants. Why? He's still a baby and I'm wondering if he can survived the coolness of the night.

We arrived at 5:30pm in 4k Garden Resort in Catmon, Sta. Maria, Bulacan. There were a lot of people around for an overnight swimming. Every one of the group were so excited especially the children. I am advised to cover Baby Chrizs body with oil before swimming. At least, he will not catch cold that easy.

When we went for swimming, I'm so thankful that the water in Kiddie's swimming pool is warm. I place Baby Chrizs life bouy around his belly. Then, dip half of his body into the swimming pool.

I thought, Baby Chrizs will cry for fear since it is his first time. But, he did not! He was so excited, kicking his legs and splashing his arms in the water. He said, "koo, koo" which means cool. He swam

Oh well, I'm glad I joined them even if I feel apprehensive, at first. My son enjoyed it very much. Now, I am looking forward for the next outing. :D

Google Plus is up and running

Thank God, I'm done with my G+. It's up and running. You can check the G+ icon next to Facebook or else, click the icon below and follow me :)

If you do, please leave your comments and I'll follow you back. Thank you!

I would like to thank my hubby, Chris for giving me a chance to use the "Server" for a long time. Thank you so much! 

Need More Time with G+

G+ or Google Plus is a part of a social network wherein you can directly share your posts from Blogspot and add circles of friends, too. Now, if you have a blogspot, I think, you will automatically have a G+. Without reading and thought, I click and add circle of friends from a blogspot website that I deleted and transferred to a Wordpress.

It gives me a headache. I want to change and shorten the url of my G+ and streams of post from Blogspot. I researched and read tips from the internet. But, it seems there is always an error, even if I read the guide on how-to. Nay! Guess, I need more time to read and understand it.

Motivational Thoughts of the Day

I've been feeling down these past months. There are things that I'd like to do, but I can't because of a financial drain. It's a negative feeling of despair and exasperation... I browse the internet for motivational quotes and here's what I found from OSU Mathematics resources

A life spent making mistakes is not only more
honorable but more useful than a life
spent doing nothing.
-- George Bernard Shaw

Whatever you do may seem insignificant,
but it is most important that you do it.
-- M. Gandhi

Mommy Rants

Yes! It's been a long time. For more than two months, I haven't write anything on my blogs and didn't dare to even view it until now. There are a lot of things I missed online, like contests, blog walking and fixing links on a Wordpress blog as well as the incoming domain account that I have to pay. Some of the paid-to-click sites in which I am a member went back to zero because of inactivity.

The reason is my baby's sickness. I post about his on and off fever that resulted to amoebiasis and a ruled-out bronchitis. For two months, I accept the fact that my baby is sickly. He just recovered from another bout of fever and "tigdas hangin" (german measles) aside from a delayed teething process. He was not hospitalized and no strong injectable antibiotics for him.. Every time the hospital staff do that to my son, I feel like stopping them. I only give him vitamin c (Ceelin) 2x daily and keep an eye on his back for wetness.So, I thought being a mother really has a big role and responsibilities.

How I wish I can handle both worlds (online gigs and my son). Mommy has to find time to earn online to save for your future, though. I choose to stop for more than two months and see for myself.