Moving for college or university is an incredibly daunting step to take. A stage in your life in which you become more responsible for yourself and have more freedom, it’s vital that you’re prepared for what’s about to come.
However, not only do you need to be ready to make new friends, study and work hard for your degree, but there are certain things you should do ahead of move-in day to ensure that you’re in the best possible position:
Get in Contact With Your Roommates
If you’re sharing a room with other people, it’s a good idea to get in contact with them ahead of time. Most schools will tell you who they are before move-in day, giving you the opportunity to message them and get to know them. This makes move-in day run far more smoothly and start off the year knowing at least one or two people.
Know The Guidelines and Policies
Before you pack up all of your things, it’s good to know exactly what you can bring and what you should leave at home. For example, you might have grand plans to bring your dog with you – but this might not be in the school policy. Save yourself the trouble of your parents having to bring back items that you can't have.
The university or college will usually have a list of rules that you can check out before you get there; so make sure you locate this far in advance.
Create an ‘Important Document’ Folder
Prior to move-in day, it’s a good idea to create a folder with all of your important documents in. This could include your birth certificate, passport, social security number, etc. Documents that you might need throughout your college years, it’s good to hav
Get Everything That You Need
Now comes the exciting stage – buying everything that you need for college. When it comes to what you pack, it is, of course, down to personal preference. However, there are some essentials that you’ll want on your checklist, such as clothes, a weekend bag for when you go on trips, study books, etc.
Similarly to when you’re buying back to school essentials, they will ensure that you start off the college year on the right path. You don’t have to go over budget either – they are plenty of affordable options out there for you to choose from.
Consider Hiring a Shipping Service
If you’re moving cross-country for college, you might want to consider hiring a shipping service. Although this might initially seem expensive, it will save you a whole lot of hassle of transporting all of your items.
Alternatively, throughout the process, if you don’t want to hire a shipping service, you could invest in self storage. This is a place that you can store your items, perhaps halfway between your hometown and where your college is located. You can then slowly transport them over to your dorm room over time.

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