I miss the time when I've worked in an Internet Cafe wherein we accept graduation pamphlets, school certificates, wedding invitations and any cards. I do all the design with the use of Print Artist (clip art) and Microsoft Word only for the encoding and word art.
Someone told me to self-study Photoshop online but I find it hard to understand. I am slow to learn new things. That is why I prefer to hear it first from a teacher who will guide me the basics then I will do it online for further information. That is how my slow pace goes.
A nurse asked me to help her with the encoding and signage's/slogan: It was like my ears are flapping with excitement! I feel happy and glad she asked me! I browse the net for photos and change the font style of the old one. Of course, the statement is the same but it will be different when it comes to design. It is done in black and white because we have an ink problem with Mr. Printer.
I forgot the term, but I add the "look-like-a-stick-man" for fun
sitting in the "not" word. It catches the eye and will make them laugh
sitting in the "not" word. It catches the eye and will make them laugh
That's in Filipino language. It says, "What I need is the THE MILK
FROM MOMMY to stay Healthy, Smart and Alert."
What do you think mommies and babies? Do you agree?
I agree, I breastfed my two kids until they were over two years old hehehe.