Infographic Guide on Healthcare-Associated Infections

These are infections that a person gets while staying at a healthcare facility for a different health condition. It may happen in some, which include hospitals, surgical, renal disease facilities and long-term-care facilities. If you want to know more about this, kindly read the infographic below:

Infographic created by Evergreen Medical Services

How a Heartbreak Will Affect You

Heartbreak breaks a heart to the extreme! It happened to me recently. It makes your heart feel badly hurt and numb after. I think it helps a person to cry than not crying. If you can't shed a tear, it affects your heart badly. I wrote about this experience but did not publish it yet. Perhaps, in time when I finish my tasks.

Below is an infographic of a healthy way to heal after a heartbreak.

Provided by The Infidelity Counseling Center

The World of Blogging


Blogging had recreated my life after I went downhill. I lost my mother from cervical cancer, no job and penniless. I move out of a boarding house to live with my boyfriend, who's now my partner. At that time, he worked in an Internet shop and had given me a computer to use.

Starting A Blog
When I start a blog, I have zero knowledge about it. A friend had guided me into it.