Secure and Love your Heart with ATC Fish Oil

food supplement, Fish Oil
Secure and love your heart! The heart represents a lot of beautiful things - affection, love and even life. Imagine a life without a heart and all the things that it represents. It would makes us feel useless, more so, dead. Without our hearts, we will not be able to live and even love. ATC Healthcare is one with you in protecting what guards your life and all its meaning - ATC Fish Oil.

ATC Fish Oil has Omega-3 fatty acids like EPA and DHA. EPA and DHA are both essential nutrients for a healthier heart. This combination helps lower blood pressure, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart attack. Aside from that, ATC Fish oil boosts our immune system. It enhances our cognitive function, improves blood circulation and reduces joint inflammation. This is beneficial for athletes as it allows them to train harder and recover faster.

ATC Fish Oil is also known to slow the development of plaque in the arteries. Also, it reduces the chance of abnormal heart rhythm. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) found in ATC Fish Oil are nutrients. It is extracted from cold water fishes and these are also beneficial for the brain and eyes. ATC Fish Oil, protects you against life threatening diseases such as heart attack, stroke and other heart problems.

For an affordable price of SRP P6.00 per capsule, protect yourself from the risk of heart disease; arm yourself with ATC Fish Oil everyday. Available at Mercury Drug and other leading drugstores nationwide.

Reducin, An Economical Way for Weight Solutions


Economical way for weight solutions. In our country, hunger and poverty is a major economic problem. It's surprising that there is an increasing number of people who are obese or overweight. Paradoxical as it may seem but this is a big challenge that needs to be address. ATC Healthcare aims to be the top healthcare provider. From immunity boosters, brain enhancer to weight management, they assures safety, quality and affordability. Like for instance - Reducin (anti-obesity).

Reducin (anti-obesity) is a 120mg capsule of Orlistat. It is a gastric and pancreatic lipase inhibitor for obesity management. It acts by keeping your body from absorbing too much fat and helps in excreting them immediately. Along with a low-calorie diet and proper exercise, Reducin (anti-obesity) can help you reduce. You can't let a condition like obesity weigh you down.It is prescribed and recommended by pharmacists.  

Take one capsule with warm water every meal. It is available at all leading drugstores nationwide at P29.50

Consult or inform your doctor first before taking it. 

For further information, please visit Reducin on Facebook. -

Source: Reducin - atchealthcare

RedoXfat, Weight Loss Food Supplement

redoxfat, weight loss, food supplement

Holiday Weight Gain! This is our worries when it comes to this yuletide season, aside from the holiday gifts. Some people are too excited. There is one more thing that makes them thrilled and giddy up: The obvious and endless food feast.

Holidays like Christmas, Noche Buena and Media Noche food trip completes our celebration. Worried about gaining weight? Not anymore, you can always give in to your hearts desire. RedoXFat is there to help you out.

RedoXfat is a weight-loss food supplement. It contains 350mg of Green Tea Extract and 150mg of L-Carnitine. RedoXfat's component which is L-Carnitine, known to be effective in weight loss. It transforms the fatty acids in the body into sources of energy, thereby, fueling you enough for the day. Meanwhile, RedoXfat is also equipped with Green Tea Extract. Aside from it's fat-burning quality, it is also known to be an effective antioxidant. It is 200x more potent than Vitamin E in fighting free radicals in the body.

RedoXfat lowers (fats) and helps increase energy which results to burning fat fast for speedier results. RedoXfat also helps in strengthening our muscles for easier physical activities. It cleanse and detoxify our body, reduce stress levels, boost our immune system and improves digestion.

RedoXfat is P16.00 per capsule only. It is available at Mercury Drug and other leading drugstores nationwide.

Slim down, chin up with RedoXfat.

Evening Primrose, A Woman's PMS Reliever!

atc evening primrose

No more PMS Worries

At some point in your life, you will meet a woman who snaps irrational. She would crave without control and shops like mad, once every month. This usually happens a week or two before their period. The science behind it is premenstrual syndrome or PMS. Study shows that 1 out of 20 women, PMS is intense. It can cause disruption to the quality of their life which resulted to misunderstanding. Although, PMS can sometimes be mistaken as an anxiety or depression. It's identifiable by its symptoms such as mood swings and loss of confidence. A woman who has PMS can also be emotional and irritable. What makes this woman worse? This woman will undergo physical struggles such as headaches, migraines, abdominal bloating, breast tenderness and asthma. PMS, may be a monthly battle women learned to live with but you can always look for back-up which taking ATC Evening Primrose.

ATC Evening Primrose relieves premenstrual syndrome (PMS)). It stops even the breast tenderness associated with the menstrual cycle. ATC Evening Primrose also helps reduce hot flashes caused by menopause. Also, it reduces symptoms of eczema and dermatitis. Be a reminder that ATC Evening Primrose is not a medicinal drug. It should not be use to treat the symptoms of any disease.

Let go of your PMS worries with ATC Evening Primrose. I recommend ATC Evening Primrose to take one capsule a day with warm water.

ATC Evening Primrose is available at Mercury Drug and all leading drugstores nationwide. It is available for only P6.00 per soft gel capsule.

ATC Evening Primrose, the supplement that a woman needs.