Start With the Basics Every Morning
Some tasks need to be done day in and day out. Indeed, they often must be completed before any of the other cleaning tasks can be done. These tasks include things like unloading and loading the dishwasher after breakfast, putting on a load of washing, and making the beds.
Now, once you have identified these cleaning tasks for your home and family, the best thing you can do is to get them out of the way of first thing in the morning.
Yes, that means while the kids are getting reading for school, or just after breakfast take a few minutes to complete these tasks. Then you will have laid excellent foundations for the rest of your day. You will also be much more motivated to complete other tasks because you will have started on the right foot.
Try Zone Cleaning
Next, instead of struggling to clean your home from top to bottom every day, why not try zone cleaning instead? Zone cleaning is where you identify a specific location or zone in your home and then focus your efforts only on that place for about 30 mins a day. You then swap to another zone the next day, to ensure that each area of your home is kept clean.
The funny thing about zone cleaning is it's amazing how much you can get done in 30 mins, especially if you have your equipment and a plan of action laid out beforehand. Indeed, the idea is that you go through all the tasks that need completing as quickly as possible, and only stop once you have got to 30mins. It doesn't matter too much if you don't get everything on your list done either, as you can come back to it the next week and start with those tasks.
For example, say your bathroom was a zone. You may write out a list that looks like this:
- Wipe down work surfaces
- Clean bath
- Wash shower curtain
- Clean inside toilet
- Clean outside toilet
- Mop floor
- Wash down tiles
- Polish taps and mirrors
However, if you found that you only got to the mop floor section when your 30 mins had run out. You could just start with washing down the tiles the next week.
Deep Clean Little and Often
Of course, as well as basic tasks to keep your home clean and hygienic you will also need to do some deep cleaning from time to time. The issue here is that many people put off all of their deep cleaning tasks and then expect to complete them all once a season in a weekend of very hard work.
The good news is some tactics can help you make deep cleaning your home much easier. The first of these is to stagger deep cleaning tasks down so they can be done little and often. This means instead of having to clean all your windows, carpets, move all your furniture and clean underneath, wash your rugs and throws, and wipe your skirting boards in one day, you can build these tasks into your weekly routine.
Indeed, much like the everyday cleaning, deep cleaning tasks can be split down into zones as well. Then you will only be doing a fraction of the work every time, and so they are much more manageable.
Additionally, there are some other things you can do to lighten the burden of deep cleaning. One of these is to find experts like these carpet cleaners that will come into your home and do the task for you. The good thing about these types of services is that they save you time and effort, leaving you with more energy to complete the other tasks on your list. Also, remember that experts will bring their own specialist equipment which is far more effective than anything you will have to use at home, something that will ensure a better quality job, that will last for longer too.
Aim for Good Rather Than Perfect
Finally, when it comes to keeping your home clean, do remember that 'good enough is good enough.' What I mean here is that it's very easy to get carried away with wanting your home to Pinterest perfect. However, as it's a place where you and your family live, the likelihood of this is slim. Although, by following the steps above you can keep your home reasonably clean without too much effort.
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