A Woman's Dream

Let me share this photo quotes from lifelovequotesandsayings.com . A friend shared this photo in my Facebook and I agree.

"Every woman needs a man who lets her be perfectly herself. No woman likes to be twisted and molded into another image. She wants to be loved for what she is with all her flaws and imperfections."

Every woman really needs a man who can let her be a woman. No woman wants to be manipulated by a man to change for what she is. Love her flaws and imperfections. That's true love.

My Only Treasure, My Only Love

He is my son - My Only Son

Who lifts my drowning spirit from struggling;

Who had given me hope when I feel so low;

Who turns my world upside down with his giggles;

Who showed me his strength and battles when his not okay.

He, who is my only love and my only treasure.

July Top EC Visits

Before any further adieu, I would like to thank my Entrecard visitors who kept on dropping by.

Meet and Pay
the way I see it

Without them, my blog will linger on a pedestal because I rarely post these past months and days. 

Thank you so much!