What is Maremma?

sheepdog, puppy, maremma
What is Maremma? Maremma is a name of a breed livestock guardian dog whose origin came from Italy. It was a Sheep dog who watched and guards a herd of goats and sheep’s. You can rely on him.

Solid muscular built with thick white coat, large head and a black nose that often change during the years of aging. Her coat sometimes has a tinge of yellow and golden brown especially when the sun hit’s her coat. The ears are V-shaped and pointed. The eyes are black or gray and stares at you lovingly and intelligently. Now this is funny because his tail is short or low shape with thick long hair.

maremma, sheepdog, dog
Maremma is a friendly dog and well-balanced flock guardian. It is also an excellent companion. Sober, intelligent, wise, affectionate, brave and loyal. When the dog hears something, her ears would suddenly prick out or stand upward and listen to the noise then he'll check it out. It will defend its house and master. It is an amazing dog who loves his work, a terrible enemy of the wolf but tame with a man.

23.5 – 28.5 inches (60 – 73 cm)

66 – 100 pounds (33 – 45 kgs)



Tragic Story of My Dog

maremma, shepherd dog
My neighbor who owns his mother gave him to another neighbor next to her house. But, Magic was usually left alone because the family usually visits their farm in the mountain. He went outside and looked for food. Then, he came to my house and went inside the kitchen as if we are friends, already.

When I first saw him, I said to myself, “I WANT THIS PUPPY!” - He has a white, curly hair. Naughty me! I kept feeding him until he stayed in our house. My neighbor kept looking for him, so I decided to tell them and returned the puppy. But, Magic always came to visit me for the food.

In taking care of him, this is what I do: For feeding, I always see to it that he’s water can is full. Every time he feels thirsty, he will just go straight to the can to drink. I bathed him, shampooed, toweled dry and combed his hair. Clean his water can and food bowl every time he finished eating.

We played together and chased each other around the house. Sometimes, he waked me up by nudging his nose on my cheeks. He was like my best friend and buddy.

As a dog, he showed his strictness bad side and naughtiness. If he’s eating, don’t touch him, you will hear him growl at you. I closed the door during night time, Magic is inside the house. When he feels like peeing or dirty (dog’s waste), he would scratch the door and make a noise. It looks like he was crying to wake you up and let him out. One time, we’re out of town, I asked my neighbor and pay him to watch and feed him inside the house. I forgot to tell him that Magic will make some noise if he wants to pee. When we get back, I saw the wall, that divides our kitchen and living room, had a big hole in it. My neighbor told me that it was done by Magic. He wants to go out, but he did not understand it. If you see Magic and another dog coming, do not clap your hands to make both dogs fight. Magic will surely rush and bark towards you instead of the other dog. If you give him food and he doesn’t know you, he will smell it first or leave it. This usually happens in the wet market; some of the fish sold had Formalin. One time, we feed him with a fish with Formalin (First, I had no idea about it.), he suddenly went outside and tried to vomit it. …. A passer-by on a tricycle unknowingly dropped the fish she brought from the market. Some of the dogs smell it and bite it then ran, but Magic only smell it and leave. If you visit me in the house, Magic is there to guard me against you by putting himself in the center. If you want to get inside the house, he’ll watch your feet twice, on 3rd he will bite your ankle but will not clamp his mouth. Of course, my friend will shout help but I told him to not worry, Magic only tells you to be careful. I will call my dog’s name and said, “Magic, stop it! Don’t do that”. Then, he’ll release it.

One night, I came home from work. Magic was under the house of my neighbor. I can hear his yelping but, it was late in the evening so, I went to sleep and go to work the following morning. But, I decided to go home early in the afternoon to check on him. I called him out and all I can hear was his yelping. I went inside our house to change and clean a bit. After that, I shout and called him, again. This time, I can hear his barking and yelping. As soon as I went out. I saw him crawling his way to our fence. I realized he couldn't walk. I ran and carry him in my arms. Tears are running in my face because I knew that it's time for him to leave. He was breathing heavily. I tried to pour water on his face but it has no effect on him. I hug him tightly and asked sorry for what had happened to him. Until, I can feel him shaking and he's gone. 

I couldn't contain myself for what had happened to him. I feel guilty because he was a part of me. I neglected him. No one is there to feed him when I am out. Even, if my neighbor tried to feed him but it isn't enough for him. This happened when I went back to school for two years and found worked, thereafter. Magic died at the age of 12 years. 

From that on, I made a promise to stay in the house if I have another dog to take care of. It’ll be off the same breed – Maremma Sheep Dog.

I Made My Button! Grab it NOW!

What the heck is that? You think there's something fishy about the word? Gee, you were only thinking of a fish. I am referring to a button for my blog. Actually, it was the Entrecard who pushed me to create one. The Entrecard droppers understand it. For others, Entrecard is like a business card you give to a business partner or someone whom you will do business with.

I opened my email and caught a glimpse of  a new one. It was an email from Entrecard, stating that I am approved or my site is approved. I did not read the whole bunch of emails because my head was spinning already. It’s five o’clock in the morning! The best place to jump off is my BED!

Anyway, I opened my email, a tab for Entrecard and another tab for googling Entrecard. I need to know more information of  it  especially the-how-to and what-to-do about it. From the information I’ve read, I have to create a special image for my card to drop off. I searched for different photos on the net, saved it. Then, click each image and stared for 2-3 minutes and asked myself if this is the right photo? Entrecard is very strict with the image’s width and height. I use paint and  my live signature website for the words in the image. And here's the result:

Voila! My new button! I will use this as my blog's button and image on Entrecard. I will put the button and code on the side bar next. Of course, I will have to search on how to do it! Any suggestions?
I will post the codes next time because the image shows instead of the html codes.

Mother Found Her Kids Through Facebook

A breaking news from the CNN entitled, “Kidnapped Kids Found in Facebook. Here’s the link if you want to see the news in video.

Yes, a mother was so excited to find her kids after 15 long years. I bet she’s jumping up and down! She found them through Facebook. According to the report, their Dad took off with the two kids ages 3 and 2 years old in 1995.

Their Dad remarried and had a son. Then, he told his daughters that their step-mom is their own mother. Now their Dad was behind bars.

I think even if the mother was very excited, she’ll be facing trouble with her kids. Psychologically and emotionally, her kid’s feelings have changed towards her. And after knowing their Dad is behind bars, I don’t think they will pass it by. Guess, these kids were confused of the situation.

I can only imagination the mother’s excitement and the children’s confused emotions. Her kids are now 17 and 16 years old.

My Post's Live Signature

Do you want to have a signature shown in every post? Just go to my live signature and then you have to or not to create an account, unless you want to save every signature you created.

It's very easy! You have to choose three methods: (1) Use signature creation wizard; (2) Hand draw your personal signature (3) Using a scanned image/scanned signature.

I suggest you use the "Use signature creation wizard". It will guide you, step by step. In every step, there are 1 to 10 choices. After creating your live signature, save it. Then click, "Use Sigs" tab in the website header then generate the Html code. Here's a link on how to insert your signature in the blogpost. No need to worry because in every guide, you will also see a picture. So, you don't have to open wide and roll your eyes on your screen as to where on earth is this and that. 

Now, after I follow it, I found out the signature stays on top! What I did is I type my post in the Edit HTML tab (but not finishing it), not the Compose because you will have a hard time moving that signature photo of yours. While in Edit HTML, you only have to press ENTER key  to send the signature HTML codes below, from this post. After doing so, you can go back to your COMPOSE tab, if you find it more comfortable. At least, you send that signature photo under, below or whatever you call it! :)

Oh! You can use this signature in  forums (bb code generate) and in sending emails (html code generate). Isn't that wonderful? :D